Goddesses Mystics and Holy Women III - All 13 Episodes
£ 55.00 GBP
Goddesses, Holy Women & Mystics Series 3
Curl up with Anaiya as you receive the Sacred Blessings from Belisama, Dame Blanche, Anath, Yvette of Huy, the Desert Mothers and many, many more. For 13-nights Anaiya will whisper the wisdom of the goddess as she nourishes our heart in this hour of refuge — where we can lay down our burdens, soothe our soul, and receive guidance for this time.
These hour-long fireside tales will build within us the same qualities spoken about in the stories. It's not so much about listening - but 'remembering'. If we can just allow ourselves to 'believe' as we are led into the world of the Sacred Feminine - then her medicine is ours.
We’ll discover our capacity to embrace darkness on the path to light, to stand in peaceful resistance and courage, to receive the protection of animals and the natural world and be able to muster invincible power over evil. We have seen this time before and left breadcrumbs that lead to our treasure. Get cosy, lean in, listen to the stories and we will find our way.
Anaiya's storyteller passion will bring these goddesses, holy women and mystics alive within our bedroom. So watch out world! These tales will enrich our personal spiritual practice and help us cultivate more courage, self-empowerment, and self-compassion for facing the challenges before today. All the stories will be taken from the original tales and myths of this particular female.
These tales are both live and recorded, so listen at any time, although - they're best after dark. My wish - is that you are in bed already and this is the last thing that you hear and fall asleep upon.
Receive all 13 Series 3 Fireside Stories for a single special price, or receive your selection of individual stories below.