A 3-Day Virtual Retreat running May 15-17! Embark on your heroine's journey. Evoke your divine blueprint. Embody true forgiveness. Join Anaiya with host Maggie O'Dea for this special online retreat where we share spiritual modalities that will help you expand your energy further into the world!
Emmi Mutale of Feminine Revered has started a new weekly podcast, Sacred Feminine Power, which explores various aspects of feminine power and introduces the voices of Soul Sisters and Brothers dedicated to the path of the Divine Feminine and stepping into their power in their own unique ways in different parts of the world. Anaiya talks with Emmi about Ancient Wisdom in the Modern Age.
A powerful and transformative day we held with Anaiya Sophia and Dr Christine Page. When we find ourselves at two seconds to midnight in the alchemical cauldron, Anaiya shows us how we can find a third way beyond duality and mutual projections to embrace both our vulnerable self and the part ‘born ready’ to enter our time of deep transition with the courage to stand up and speak out. Christine invokes the power of the sacred grandmothers, inviting us to explore the three aspects or phases of the sacred feminine as creative virgin, nurturing mother and wise crone representing the processes of inspiration, connection and release. The busy and greedy caterpillar is locked down in a cocoon while imaginal cells reconfigure it as a butterfly. At this time, these speakers will inspire you to trust life and discover your still centre within.
I’d like to invite you to Spark Divine Feminine Power through Pleasure Global Conference, a free online event, where I will be speaking as part of a panel of 27 presenters, to reveal the powers and orgasmic life force pleasure the divine feminine can provide. We invite you to join us as we step into our deepest power, connected to the sacred and healing for all, and give permission to Joy & Pleasure to transform the world!
Have the sudden shifts we are seeing unfold across our Earth triggered an inner shift in you? It is clear that years of spiritual practice, study, and teaching have all been for this moment in time. As is with any dark night of the soul, the only way out is through, but how we go through matters. This is the moment we all get to RISE into who we are here to be - the embodiment of love. Join Anaiya with host Anahita Joon along with other powerful wisdom keepers from around the world who have gathered at this free summit to bring you spiritual tools, activations, prayers and practical wisdom.
This time in our lives will be remembered by all, because our plans have collectively and suddenly been interrupted. Almost all of us around the Planet will have similar experiences navigating these times with similar fears and hopes. Join Anaiya and host Maya Zacharow to dream in the New World online, to make it the very best future we are capable of dreaming up together for us, for our Planet and future generations.
Calling the #wildwoman #priestess #goddess embodied women! At times of great change, those of the light show up to serve. We, the Priestesses have come to midwife a NEW EARTH. It’s a joy to share this journey with you, sisters … Return of the Priestess is a FREE online series + Global Feminine Activation with priestesses and #wisewoman leaders from around the world. Come, JOIN US in Sacred Space - and it's FREE!
It is time for use to reinforce the anchoring of the high vibrations of light onto the earth. One way we can do this is through Christina Miglino's special 1-day virtual experience. I am one of her special guests, and I am inviting YOU along to contribute your energies in this sacred priestess summit online - and it's FREE! One day of events and rituals online - not to be missed! And I am appearing 11am PDT! Come and join us!