By purchasing products, event registrations, or making payment for services to Aletheia Pistis Sophia and her affiliates, you are agreeing to Aletheia Pistis Sophia’s term and conditions. Please read carefully:

  1. A place in an online and/or in-person workshop/course/event is only secured on the acceptance of a completed registration form and receipt of a non-refundable deposit. If, for any reason, a participant is not accepted the deposit will be refunded before the workshop/course/event starts. 

    Participants are responsible for their own well-being always and must inform Anaiya directly of any matters affecting their health for the duration of the workshop. Because the nature of the course is transformative, students who are in need may be required to undertake additional psychotherapeutic counselling to help them address personal issues.

    Aletheia Pistis Sophia reserves the right to ask a student to leave the course. All participants must respect the other participants irrespective of race, colour, creed or gender and will endeavour to respect any values that may be different from their own.

    Confidentiality provides privacy and safety within the group. Whilst there is no automatic presumption that all information given is confidential, students must work within the guideline that all personal information about group members is confidential.

    Should difficulties arise with another member of the group, participants must call upon the group, Aletheia Pistis Sophia for mediation and resolution. Students who pay for the whole workshop in advance and decide to leave the course before the end will not be refunded.

    Aletheia Pistis Sophia enforces all known health & safety practices that are seen to be correct in the light of current understanding of the workshop subject.

    Aletheia Pistis Sophia, the organizer/s and the venue are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time.

    Participants accept that all knowledge is given in good faith and they understand that they are entering a training in a pioneer field and all such training is given in good faith to the highest known safety standards of known or perceived practices within this discipline.

  2. Payments for online courses, in person workshops/events/retreats must be paid in full 1 week before the date of the event. Acceptance of both online and in person workshops/events/retreats is only secured on the receipt of a completed registration form and receipt of a non-refundable deposit.

  3. All transmissions and activations purchased from the website will not be refunded if they are delivered by email to the buyer within a 14-day time frame from the date they are purchased.

    If the transmissions and activations purchased from the website are not delivered by email to the buyer within a 14-day time frame from the date they are bought, they can be refunded.

    Refunds for transmissions and activations will be sent to the buyer 30 days after the day of purchase.

  4. Refunds for shipped items such as books and essential oils may be requested provided return of goods is facilitated at your expense within 14 days of purchase. See our Shipping and Returns page for more info - click here

  5. Your email address will never be shared with any 3rd parties and you will receive only the type of content for which you signed up.

I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to abide by Aletheia Pistis Sophia’s terms and conditions. I hereby state that I, or any persons acting on my behalf, will not hold or claim against Aletheia Pistis Sophia, or any of her stuff, venues and organizers for any damages assumed or otherwise for any conditions, be it emotional, mental, spiritual, physical or financial relating to any transmission/activation/event/workshop with Aletheia Pistis Sophia.