Sacred Body Awakening Spring Equinox Weekend - 2 Nights Accommodation and Meals
22nd - 23rd of March 2025
Les Contes, Southern France
Singles full fee:

Sacred Body Awakening Spring Equinox Weekend - Workshop Only and Lunch
22nd - 23rd of March 2025
Les Contes, Southern France
Singles full fee:
Have you ever heard of touch starvation? Yes, there is such a thing. And the effects are harrowing. Slow, deliberate attunement to another is a rare and treasured gift. Coming together to forge a physical bond, empty of all intention, freed from the snare of grasping, controlling and all forms of power, brings us to the Temple door.
Beyond this, a world of infinite goodness spills into profound and altered states. Being willing to vulnerably meet, rest and move within and around one another with no fixed why, where, how and who is an answered prayer. Verbal and non-verbal self come together as memorable and non-memorable aspects of our being fall into one another's arms.This experience is so rich and palpable that we will receive a somatic imprint of the experience to recall and revisit. We are undoubtedly witnessing an emerging self-revealed in sensation, imagery, breath, posture, and gesture.
Given the right setting, the most exquisite music, unprecedented willingness, and a massive dose of courage, the human being gives of their whole self, and everything, and I mean everything, changes.
Sacred Body Awakening is a personal journey of transformation, a continuum that evolves slowly over time in harmony with the process of evolution. It was on the Mount of Beatitudes, after a profound experience, that I realized this was a sacred blessing from Christ, meant to be shared abundantly at this time. This somatic, deep, slow process opens us to the revelation of a profound natural ability in our body where we discover that movement is the message and messenger from our ancient past and near future. Our bodies contain what can be metaphorically referred to as the Hall of Records, a repository of our experiences, emotions, and knowledge. Some of us remember how to access them, tapping into this wealth of information that our bodies hold. This is the pristine, multi-dimensional Temple Work of our time.
One of the last people to embody these mysteries was Mary Magdalene. She knew how to open the body to the primal source and love with the whole of her Being. Sacred Body Awakening is a process that transcends all boundaries, comforting the soul, softening all that is rigid within, and birthing the genuine restoration of love and trust among people. It heals 'his-story' and unites us all, regardless of culture, age, colour, creed, religion, or gender. This is something the patriarchy has feared for a very long time, but it is now happening in great numbers. It's not enough to pray for Heaven on Earth. We now have to become it. And Sacred Body Awakening is genuinely one of those ways, empowering us to step into our true divine nature.
Join me this weekend at Les Contes in the safety of my home and the ever-green embrace of the pristine foothills of the Pyrenees. For two days, we will cover three of the nine constellations and also learn some of the satellites of the practise, like the Sacred Kiss and Foot Washing. Details: Drop In or Stay Over at Les Contes, Route de Montsegur, Fougax-et-Barrineuf, 09300 FRANCE Meals Included (Vegan) Cost: Fixed Price, or Donation. Read More and Register HERE
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
― Gospel of Thomas