Healing The Wounds of Giving and Receiving
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Healing The Wounds of Giving and Receiving
This transmission is a beautiful and effective spiritual technique to heal the wounds we may have around giving and receiving. This works on healing yourself, others, your ancestral lineage, animals, the environment and all planetary disharmony – and hence is poignant for this time. This process has been adapted from the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Tonglen.
To be part of this Great ReBirth we have to be able to authentically give and receive with our full hearts. To give charity and to receive compassion. Without this foundational seat of balance we could potentially veil the meeting of our beloved, diminsh the harvest of our love, dilute our full participation in the Great ReBirth and hold ourselves back in almost every endeavour of your life. We must dis-entangle any witholding energies that may be caught up in the supressed shadow of lack, unworthiness and undeserving. As well as the oppression shadow of entitlement, greed and "me first".
This is a crucial step to take, especially at this time of accelerated growth, combined with an unknowable future. This distortion is absolutely at the core of our disharmony and disconnection with nature and our fellow neighbours. Its effects are widespread, denied and almost certainly hereditary.
It is my beleif that if human beings can emulate the catastrophes of our world and guide the end result towards the highest outcome - we shall know our greatness. This I believe, is the ReBirthing Process. We we come together as One and treat this planet and all life like our own child/parent/family.
To attune to nature we have to balance out the energies of giving and receiving.
- Become a powerful agent of divine healing (self, others, all life)
- Open yourself up to receive (healing lack, unworthiness and feeling undeserving)
- Open yourself up to give (healing entitlement, greed and 'me first')
- Balance the energies of giving and receiving in your life
- Open the Bodhisattva Heart
- End the disturbance of distorted giving and receiving