Kali: The End and The Beginning
£ 11.00 GBP
Kali: The End and The Beginning
The old must be released so that the new can enter. And so, we turn to Kali, who wields the sword of discernment, speaking and acting from her wisdom as she cuts away the old year.
We have to remember she also creates, so it is essential that she is given the space she requires to complete the purpose she has been called upon to do.
This goddess does not bow down to societal demands and expectations, she has her own moral code and ethical standards and she asks us to let go of any preconceived notions that we may have previously held about 2018 and how we hoped or expected things should be and she asks that we keep our mind open, innocent and trusting that we will be given the best possible outcome.
This is a powerful letting go ceremony.