Our Lady of the Sacred Home
£ 11.00 GBP
Our Lady of the Sacred Home
This transmission is for those of us who feel like they have not yet found their Sacred Home, OR they feel like they are being pulled towards a newer version of it. This is a message from Our Lady of the Sacred Home that She is orchestrating the entire situation and that She is our Mother, and She would never abandon us, or forget to provide for us the sacred sanctuary that we truly need.
This Transmission would serve:
- The realization that we have outgrown our safety nets, and how the search for a larger, newer and/or different home is on the horizon
- The quiet time that is needed for you to tune into the calling of your Sacred Home and to simply listen …
- The ability to move through this time of chaos, insecurity, fear and uncertainty with courage and grace
- The unwavering support that is needed through change and growth
- Connection to the Sacred Feminine Lineage that is orchestrating ALL of this – for a reason
- To come into awareness and clarity of your deeply faithful Self and ALL that is being asked of you at this time