Pulling the Plug on Patriarchys Puppet
£ 11.00 GBP
Pulling the Plug on Patriarchy's Puppet
It is important, really important for women to know that they can survive without dependence on parents or others so that she can express her heart, mind, body and soul.
During this transmission, we will begin to feel our own self-generated stability, security and interdependence with life and nature.
If there is 'any' part of you that does not believe you can generate the cash, home, ability to travel, ability to learn, create abundance, make decisions, live where-ever, live alone, pay the bills, dress as you please.... then there is a deadly chance, the power of the Patriarchy will pull you back under its spell. But more than that - there is a chance we will continue to prostitute our own soul and its essence.
During this transmission, we will pull the plug on any contracts, agreements, vows or misplaced power with the wounded masculine within, and in others. We will see where we have been continuing to prostitute our inner essence for money, acclamation and power. In the grounded reality we will see where we are still receiving 'support' from the outer world, and be brave enough to pull out from receiving that resource and take the leap of faith that is needed to go it alone.
Be Honest. Be Brave. And Pull the Plug on those inauthentic benefactors.
Another important piece to get under our belt before the year is out!