Sacred Betrayal and Its Gift of Trust
£ 11.00 GBP
Sacred Betrayal and Its Gift of Trust
with Anaiya Sophia and Pete Wilson
The Wounds of Love are the 5 Alchemical Steps that lay in wait in every deep and meaningful relationship. These are the same five steps as lived by Jesus and Mary personofied as The Passion. HIS journey took 3 days, HERS over 2,000 years...
Oh Beloved Friends!
Let this conversation be a sacred balm upon the tender places in Relationship and its 'alchemical' fire of transformation. The Wounds of Love: Betrayal, Denial, Judgment, Separation and Abandonment are the five forces seemingly against the deepening of Love, and yet, the very thing we need most to grow beyond conditional Love and its throw away attitude. Its a Paradox beloved Friends!
Anaiya and Pete welcome you to this call where we shall share openely about Betrayal - self and other. Together we will unwind this alchemy, and see the treasure laying inisde the experience of Betrayal... oh yes - its there beloved friends!
After the call you will also be sent a Wounds of Love Audio Transmission... a guided healing journey into TRUST.
The Journey of the Sacred Wounds is not an abstract idea, or wishful thinking, but rather a sacred calling for all of us who are awake and committed to being willing to take this path of initiation. There are many of us who believe it will take many, many "divine humans" to midwife and direct the new template that the Great Mother is laying down upon the face of this Earth.
We simply have to be willing to be open, awake, trustable and inspirited. That is both fiery and tender at the same time.
During these events, Anaiya and Pete, together and singly, will illumine the map into this new territory.
We look forward to connecting with you all.