Join me for this online (and recorded) half-day workshop on the Sacred Art of Anointing. A long, long time ago, there was an ancient tradition of women who worked with sacred oils for the highest good of All. These women were called Myrrhophores, also known as myrrh-bearers or mistresses of the holy oils.  This myrrh-bearing tradition has its earthly roots in the ancient temples of Egypt and is kept alive by practitioners today. Mary Magdalene would use the oils to heal wounds of the soul and to work as a spiritual guide for those passing to the other side. Our work today will send us back to Egypt and Babylon and why these oils will bring the medicine that is needed once again.

Now more than ever, this tradition is returning to us to remind us of the past - and how the many plagues were treated with oil. Julian of Norwich, Catherine of Siena, Nostradamus and Mary Magdalene herself, all treated the victims of the plague with ancient oils when many were in fear of getting too close. Let's rediscover why these sacred oils are a powerful medicine for the health crisis we face today. 

This workshop will be recorded and sent out the same day.