In modern-day society, particularly since the 1980s, women have entered the workplace and been exposed to an incessant barrage of competitive power-seeking. A new myth arose, which declared absolute gender sameness, and it quickly became culturally accepted. Part of this served to rectify an imbalance; women had indeed been subjugated and considered inferior to men in the past. But the balance tipped too far, and many women erroneously believed they had to behave exactly like men.
He, without his roots, is never enough for her. And she, without her roots, lives as a man in a woman's body who dwells in the emotional chaos at the feet of the world. Weeping for what it has become.
Until only recently, there has been another shift, gender fluidity. This concept challenges the traditional binary understanding of gender, suggesting that gender is not fixed and can change over time. However, this shift is causing even more confusion and a lack of embodiment. Currently, gender doesn't really mean anything anymore. The two leading gender roles are becoming non-existent and unimportant for some of us.
This could be leading us down a perilous, confusing and disempowering path. One that can't be undone.
I can't help but sense gender fluidity is seeking to dispel feminity. Maybe even masculinity, too - in time. I am not sure what human sexuality and attraction will be like in the future. It seems as if the passion and desire of Romance, Courtship, Love, Eros and Divine Ecstasy is dangerously close to being lost.
Call me old-fashioned. I am sure many will.
Embracing femininity is not just a choice, it's a necessity for our empowerment, and, our world. Women must wholeheartedly embrace their femininity to restore balance. Stride forward, hips swaying from left to right, and Be the Woman they were meant to be - and more.
In the past, I worked diligently to find the perfect balance between my masculine and feminine energies. Now, I am sensing the vital importance of fully aligning with beauty as a superpower in these times. A woman holds the key to balance in these times. Let's strive for a future where gender roles are not eradicated, but balanced, where femininity and masculinity coexist in harmony.
We need to open rapidly and authentically to the feminine force in our body, prioritising beauty not as a hair and make-up routine but as a divine elegance and grace that flows through us. Beauty is considered the only power to balance the darkness in Mystical teachings. This is why I am fully behind the Power of Beauty as the glimmering divine attire I present to the world and myself.
A woman must long to open up to her immense, natural, sexual and joyful fullness by trusting her whole heart, soul and sacred feminine essence. As women, we must recognise ourselves as an incarnate form of the Goddess. I mean - really.
We may be met by disorientated, disappointed, disheartened and defeated men. Men who have suffered the onslaught of awakening by discovering everything they have been told as boys and men was a lie.
This has been hugely detrimental to them. They feel unable to trust anything or anyone at this time.
But they will trust your beauty. They will trust your radiant smile and sensual bounty. Some things do not die, and female radiance is one of them.
The Patriarchal Toll
As women, we are one hundred per cent responsible for opening and releasing any blocks that prevent us from accessing our sensual feeling body. But first, we must recognise how the patriarchal age may have taken its toll on us. It's time to look within and understand the influence of the patriarchal age on our lives and choices.
Many women have over-animated their masculine energy in the race for success and the drive to get ahead in their careers. Men and women alike have been culturally caught in the craving for bigger and better things, which creates anxiety around money and even more drive for worldly success. Eventually, this leads to collapse and burnout—especially in women who have subverted their natural feminine energy.
Women with a strong feminine essence are not designed to be like men, yet many have pushed themselves in that direction for the last thirty to forty years. Women are not created to be out there in the world: conquering, achieving, amassing and owning. We are designed to create, envision, beautify, nurture, and balance. The modern myth of gender sameness and the even more recent shift of gender fluidity have resulted in women being confused and jaded as they accommodate the new norms, knowing deep inside this is not good. Disconnected from their sensual, sexual selves and primarily running on their masculine energy, thinking it's the only way to survive this.
This is not good news for the bedroom! Because we women have activated too much of our masculine energy, often out of necessity, we are unable to relax and trust men in the act of love. This problem is compounded because many men's innate masculine sense of direction and sexual empowerment has wilted in the presence of an overly masculinised woman who can't surrender to their love.
So, this is the bottom line. Most women have become masculine, and many men have become feminine. It doesn't matter how sexual or how open we are. If we women don't trust our lover's masculine presence and direction more than our own, we won't open completely. We won't let down our boundaries and surrender in deep trust, allowing ourselves to be sexually ravished by the Divine masculine, a term that refers to the positive, assertive, and protective aspects of masculinity. And if we are stuck in our heads, there is a good chance our masculine energy will match his or even surpass it.
Now, there is another urgent issue for women to address. We must allow ourselves to reawaken our feminine essence and heal our overly strong expression of masculine energy. It's time to let go of all that conditioning and awaken the Way of Beauty. Reclaiming our femininity is not just a choice, it's a necessity for our empowerment. Let's challenge the societal norms that have led us astray and reclaim our true essence.
'And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars'.
(Apocalypse 12:1)
I see this Woman as a new, fresh appearance of the Great Feminine Christ upon the Earth, whose time is now. What if the Second Coming is this Woman? All Women?
Could this New Eve be the only creature in whom truth, beauty, and goodness coincide? Bringing forth balance to the ever-gathering darkness. The Feminine is the only creature that can do this. To reawaken the desire to become fully female is an emboldened act of embodiment that will take back our spiritual power and, with outstanding clarity and agency, prepare us for the coming times. By wearing the Divine Attire of Beauty, we shall be clothed by the agency of Creation. These heavenly female garments will fortify us with the powers of beauty, faith and joy. For me, there is no doubt; the Divine Feminine is undergoing a Resurrectionion, Reapparance and Revival.