A year ago, when I was researching the world's most dangerous and hidden practises, I spent some time traversing the subject of paedophilia. I had to be careful and stay steady in my centre, as the exploration of this world comes laden with extremely dark energy. I hope I can present to you my findings and insights in a way that does not burden you, but instead, inform and awaken.
First of all, I feel we have to come to terms with the growing number of facts that suggest the majority of 'high ranking' politicians, chiefs of police, high court judges, celebrities and royal/privileged families are involved in this subject, or at least, know of people who are.
For me, what stands out is the term 'high ranking.' It seems that only when one reaches this level in their profession or status that this shadowy world opens up. In essence, these people are the ones who 'operate' our world.
And another interesting issue I notice is how it is often 'low-ranking' children who get innocently caught up in this. Children who have no protection, children already in 'care' homes or are sadly born into families who are 'traffickers' and have been for decades. It is an abomination.
But it is here. And now we need to meet this. We have to speak up and speak out on the 'nests' that house this activity.
I also believe, now that this subject is coming to Light, there will be a worldwide campaign to expose these vast networks, leaving open an opportunity for a new kind of leadership that not only sustains but positively encourages a new kind of human being.
Whenever I hear about a paedophile, I understand that an adult has had un-agreed to sex with a pre-pubescent child, and often repeatedly. The issue I want to raise here is that this is usually a man, imposing sex upon a boy. When we speak of paedophilia, we are often referring to an enforced homosexual experience upon a child. And yet, this does not get mentioned.
It's as if that bit is okay.
I am not suggesting that an adult having sex with an underage girl is any less degrading or traumatic. I also understand that adult women also have sex with girls.
Which brings me to the next subject, the growing number of women involved in paedophile rings. It is almost impossible to believe that a woman would seek out, arrange and oversee the transportation of the child to an adult - but they do. The women are the co-conspirators who facilitate the operation and keep silent.
So to beat this. We have to do this together. And it is happening now. Jeffery Epstein is the doorway that leads to this monumental level of healing and lifting up and beyond this level of deprivation. And the legal team prepared to investigate this case honestly are the Light Bringers who need our support.
For too long, this has been going on and has been quietly, albeit uncomfortably accepted by us all. To support all the people now involved with the raising of this subject, we cannot continue to turn a blind eye.
Of course, the question that arises is "yes, but who do we turn to?".
And for that, I have no real concrete answer. If it were me, I would first turn to my friends, for support and inspiration. I would also turn inwards for divine counsel and strength. Then I would turn to a trusted media platform to tell my story from a place of mature centeredness and clarity.
It's going to be tough, but the most enormous contribution of your life.
I believe these practices single-handedly keep the old paradigm and the control matrix firmly in place. With this rooted out, the New Earth with nature established as our source of nurture will be reborn.
As this piece of writing comes to a close, may Grace be with you and Peace be upon you.