Resurrection of the Christ
This is Our time.
A great choice stands before us. One that has been with us a very long time and now requires an answer. And no answer is an answer.
Mighty forces are slugging it out for the soul of humanity, and every now and again, this skirmish stumbles intentionally, or perhaps unintentionally, into our material world for all the world to see. And now is one of those moments.
But do you see? That is THE question. Do you see the spiritual warfare going on all around us every single day, and how many of us can’t really see it—or don’t understand it’s there at all.
Spiritual Warfare. We have been using these words quite freely in the last few years, but how often do we apply the seriousness of this matter to ourselves and all that we are involved in? These next years will literally and figuratively shake humanity to its spiritual core.
As some of you know, I am not part of a church or religion; truthfully, I do not trust what I currently see as options for me.
I am a Christian. I choose to walk my path alone. I have a handful of beloved close friends who walk their way with Him, and I turn to them for support and counsel. I know I am living according to my nature. I am confident in my choices and feel the hallmark of truthfulness upon them.
I do not believe we have souls. We are souls. What we have is a body. And as you may know, I deeply value and treasure the body. But, the time is now ripe for us to take a further step and place the unspeakable price of our soul in our constant awareness.
Spiritual warfare isn’t an abstraction; it’s a reality in which we all participate. Which side you aid is up to you.
The thin line between Good and Evil runs through the centre of the human heart.
And yes, this line shifts inside us; it oscillates with age. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains … an un-uprooted small corner of evil.
I know this to be true.
It is impossible to expel evil from the world in its entirety, but it is possible to constrict it within each person. Should we attempt to destroy the carriers of evil, we will only take to ourselves the heritage of the actual evil itself, which will become magnified.
This is what we are working with.
May your answer be thorough, sincere, soberly chosen and adhered to. And may this conversation really begin.